Friday, November 21, 2014

Do What You Want.

Lately I've been reading these cute lil articles about what you should and shouldn't do if you are single, not single, in your 20s, in your 30s, in a relationship, if you enjoy traveling, if you want to live this life, that life, if you have brown hair vs red hair. But I guess since you read it on social media it has to be true or has to be dead on. Some of them I DO agree with, but come on, those certain ones are fawkn no-brainers.

Here is some fawkn advice for any of you shitfawks who actually read this.

Do what you want!

Stop reading these things and actually thinking they are truthful. They are written by shitballs you don't know, that don't know you, that are telling you what to do with your life. Do what you want to do, within reason of course. Don't be a total dipshit. However. There are some articles that I agree with but that's because they are so warm-hearted and supportive of people in that category; a fawkn easy ass win! That's why I am writing this lil piece of shit, because it takes the simplicity of alllll the articles and simplifies it to bare basics.

If you are in your 30's and you want to drink out of a red solo cup, go right tha fawk ahead. If you are in your 20s and you truly met the love of your life and want to get married, go right tha fawk ahead. If you are single and want to date and get into relationships, go right tha fawk ahead. Whatever you do, do NOT let some article by some stranger tell you what to do.

Maybe traveling the world is for you, or isn't for you. It just may or may not appeal to you. Maybe living in dozens of different cities your entire life is what YOU want to do with your life. Maybe you actually DON'T want to have kids or DON'T want to get married or DON'T want to live the life others are living. Maybe you are living that life and you WANT kids and WANT to be married but you stuck yourself in a position of not being able too or afford too. Whatever the case may be, just go live your life how you feel so. Anyone that "gives their opinion" on your decisions is probably a pretentious asshole who is either jealous of your life or is miserable with their own, so walk away and know that you are living your life the way you want too.


I am some shitball you may or may not know telling you what to do with your life. 

But at least I admit it and don't drop a guilt shit on your chest.

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