Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Spirit Animal Meanings

Spirit Animal Meanings
By Trevor A. Keveloh

There are many different meanings when seeing an animal randomly, in a dream or an animal that isn’t typically in the area in which you saw it. Sometimes that animal just wants to go play, eat or fawk. Maybe that animal had a job interview or maybe that animal got all fawked up and ended up in the wrong hood after a long night of boozing and smoking. Here is some insight on the meanings behind seeing certain animals and what they represent…

If you see a walrus in the ocean, it’s probably because it lives there. If you see it in the zoo, it’s probably now a prisoner to humans because it lost a bet or maybe it’s just a bad walrus. If you see one in your dream, I really don’t know, I mean who dreams of a walrus often? If you see one on land or like in a strange place, you are probably smoking some really wicked shit that could be laced with something like paint thinner.

Grizzly Bear:
If you see a grizzly bear it’s probably because you are at the zoo or in an area where you typically see them. If you see one in a place it shouldn’t be, like your house or the park or somewhere like that, it’s probably a sign you should get the fawk out of there and call a park ranger.

Black Bear:
Why’s it gotta be a BLACK bear? Why can’t it just be a BEAR?!?! Fawkn racists!           

If you are seeing a lot of deer it’s because deer are around a lot. If you dream about a dear its maybe cuz you were thinking or talking about them recently and your brain is resting and shit.

If you see a dolphin in your dream it’s because dolphins are cool and they communicate with humans in the dream world. If you see one at the park or hiking, it’s probably lost and needs help getting home. Be a good neighbor and help out a dolphin, “help a dolphin out,” n shit.

If you see an anaconda out and about, hopefully you are in South America or some shit because they really don’t just go out and about. The anaconda represents a giant ass snake and also represents every girl with a big ass. If you dream about and anaconda it could be because it don’t want none unless you got buns hun.

Flying Chilean Monkey:
If you see one of these, I gotta know. Hit me up!

If you see a turtle out in nature, it’s probably because they live all over and shit. If you dream about one the reason is because turtles are pretty cool. I mean they don’t represent anything hugely amazing, they are slow and cute and harmless, they are basically like pet rocks that can swim that you have to feed and occasionally change their litter box.

If you are reading this, email me back you shithead.

Dutch Lion:
These are a very interesting breed of lions mainly because they don’t actually exist. If you see one on the sidewalk or something, Id get a gun and shoot it or get a box, 2 by 4 and a slab of meat and try to catch it. If you dream about one, it means a fortune is coming your way and you should go play some scratch offs.

Jive Turkey:
If you see a Jive Turkey in the wild, watch out for it, it could be trying to hustle you. If you dream of one, it’s because you are watching a lot of Blaxplotation movies. IF you see one just chilling or walking around, don’t bum it a smoke.

Armenian Race Car Driver:
If you see one, it’s probably your uber/lyft driver. If you dream of one, well that’s weird but my guess is because you have been using those services a lot and your brain has nothing else to do other than dream about your driver.

If you see a cat or cats it’s prolly cuz cats are common. If a black one crosses your path it’s because it’s a cat and had somewhere to go, BUT they could also mean bad luck. I’m really not sure on this one. If you dream of a cat or “cats” it’s prolly cuz they are cool, or “cool as a cat,” and you should wake up and kiss your kitty.

If you see a pigeon, GET THE FAWK OUTTA THERE. If you dream of a pigeon, it’s because you were watching a bio on Tyson and he had pet pigeons. If you meet one and it’s nice, well I dunno, stir up a convo and find out whets up.

Chia Pet:
If you see one in the wild, take a picture and make sure to put it on instagram. If you see one in your dream, it’s a sign that you are asleep and dreaming. If you see one cross a busy street, keep and eye on it so it doesn’t get hit by a car.

If you see a bunny in the wild, leave it alone. If you dream about a bunny or “bunnies,” hopefully it’s the Playboy bunnies are you are smashing them.

That’s all I got for now. Part 2 and/or the extended version will be up in a few days.