Monday, November 24, 2014

Behind The Yellow Door

The significance of yellow roses is based on friendship, to wish someone the best, to compliment a friendship and so on. This past year has been a very eye-opening adventure. I have gained some friends, I have lost some friends, I have strengthened some friendships and I have weakened some friendships. Ultimately it's based on how each of us grows as a person, to and from others, kind of like a vineyard. The way we wrap ourselves through, in, out, around, up and down.
We talk about our "best friends" or "good friends" or in my case, friends vs "friends." I shoot off about some of my "best friends" and each is different in their own way. In this day in age, we are allowed to have more than one. We can have a few because in the end, those few "best friends," may be our only friends. I've spent a lot of time with one of my best friends and I never realized who he was until recently. He is my father. My hero. My blood. My inspiration to go out in this world and live MY dream. He keeps me real and grounded and honest with who I am and what I can do. He is a man of very few words, but everyone of those words its not only though-provoking but sincere and direct.
Thumbing through the ever-growing social media I find myself agreeing more with some and disagreeing more with others and thankfully I am adult enough to be OK with that. But what beats that is having a strong and real conversation with a group of people in a physical face-to-face setting. I enjoy long deep conversations about life, existence, passion, love, hate, music and film. I love to engage in what other people have to say about any and all topics. It allows me to grow as a person if I keep an open mind with anyone I encounter. It strengthens me as a writer and, well, a friend.
Friendships can start anywhere. Accidentally, at work, at the gym, at a show, etc. Then you kind of court those people, hang out, do your best to impress and then ultimately show your true colors and see if they still contact you to grab lunch or dinner. If your phone goes silent and you miss them, Jesus, just call them. Don't get all arrogant and think that they should call you, just pick up your RAD smartphone and do some old school shit and CALL the motherfucker. Or find out what broke the communication line between the two of you and see if it's salvageable.
I remember reading all these cute and silly lil articles in my 20s about growing up and only having a handful of friends, I never and couldn't ever believe it. I was working at a really fun bar, living in cool places, having the time of my life, dating girls and well, you know the rest. I thought to myself, "only boring people have a few friends, I have a ton of friends." Skip to present day and well, they are right. When you look at life, you can really count on your hand how many people will come through for you in the clutch if things ever really got ugly. It's one thing to call someone for a favor, to help move, to crash at their place and so on. But when it comes to a serious fawkn situation, not everyone is going to pull through for you.
Friendships don't have to be with people you communicate with everyday or every week. A true and solid friendship is one that is the cliche of, "picking up where you left off." That simple. If you can just understand that as you grow older and start complicating your life with things, not everyone can hangout and talk on the phone all day and/or night. But the ability to just pick up, call, bullshit and let that person know you miss them or are thinking about them is what a real friendship is all about.
When we walk through this life, we don't always pay attention to what's around us. It's not easy when we are so focused and driven on success and happiness and financial stability. I'm not going to tell you some shit about, "stopping and smelling the roses," we all know what we should do to better ourselves and the people around us, so do it if you think it should be done. And don't bitch out and text or email someone, or even worse, facebook message em, grab your cell phone and call that person. Remind your brain that they still exist outside a computer screen.
Childhood is the time when we learn how to start friendships and unfortunately, lose friendships. You start with your siblings, brothers, sisters and cousins. Then you move outside of the box with neighborhood kids and classmates and shit. When you're a kid, it's so nice and easy. You both like this sport, team, toy, etc and you become friends. Then life complicates it. You get into your teens, cool crowds, drugs, jobs, girls/boys and you gain and lose friends. College hits and it's the same thing but elevated. But that's when you hopefully start to think for yourself, develop your own opinions on things other than sports, teams, jobs, girls/boys, clothes and so on. Then you hit the workforce and you start buying and/or renting and it continues to "evolve" if I may. Then you get married, have kids, or you stay single and date/fawk. That's where life ultimately tests any and all friendships. If you can sustain a friendship with someone that ISN'T about your current life and they live a completely opposite life, that's a true and valued friendship. I've seen too many and been a part of plenty where someone gets married, has a kid or 2 or 3 or a lizard or dog or pet bat and they/we just stop talking or communicating. Maybe every once in a while you shoot them a text, or like their facebook status about something about the past, but you move on, you find new friends with a stronger commonality with your present life and that's that. The events of today are the memories of yesterday so keep them close to your heart.
I personally have been up, way up, in the clouds and down, way down, in the gutter and well, of course I'd love to be way up up in the sky but the reality is, when you land on your own two feet, on the ground, you pay attention to much more than that high of being, well way up in the clouds. Almost like being in love. That feeling is like nirvana, orgasmic, a total natural high that some chase and some steer clear of. Jaded, hurt, obsessed, addicted, whatever the case may be, being in love is incredible for every human. Then there's being content and comfortable which is typically what we all end up doing. It's OK, it's what the majority of people want. To come home after work, throw on sweats, eat and lay on the couch or start making gingerbread houses. I am OK with that, hell I'm more than OK with that. If that's what you choose to do, I support you, as a friend. But if my choice is to go out for drinks on a Friday night, catch a band or party, and stay out late, I hope you keep your finger from waving it at me.
Writing is my friend, my best friend. Writing will never judge me or cast me out or laugh at me. Writing will always be there for me no matter how high in the clouds I am or low in the gutter I am. Rich or poor, writing is here and will always be here for me. This is my passion, this is what I live for, this is what I'd die for, this is what keeps me going. Thanksgiving is this week and it's suppose to be about getting together with friends, family and to literally, "give thanks," to whomever or whatever we want too. I want to give thanks to all of you for reading my shit cuz, well, it means more to me than you think.

Thank You.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Do What You Want.

Lately I've been reading these cute lil articles about what you should and shouldn't do if you are single, not single, in your 20s, in your 30s, in a relationship, if you enjoy traveling, if you want to live this life, that life, if you have brown hair vs red hair. But I guess since you read it on social media it has to be true or has to be dead on. Some of them I DO agree with, but come on, those certain ones are fawkn no-brainers.

Here is some fawkn advice for any of you shitfawks who actually read this.

Do what you want!

Stop reading these things and actually thinking they are truthful. They are written by shitballs you don't know, that don't know you, that are telling you what to do with your life. Do what you want to do, within reason of course. Don't be a total dipshit. However. There are some articles that I agree with but that's because they are so warm-hearted and supportive of people in that category; a fawkn easy ass win! That's why I am writing this lil piece of shit, because it takes the simplicity of alllll the articles and simplifies it to bare basics.

If you are in your 30's and you want to drink out of a red solo cup, go right tha fawk ahead. If you are in your 20s and you truly met the love of your life and want to get married, go right tha fawk ahead. If you are single and want to date and get into relationships, go right tha fawk ahead. Whatever you do, do NOT let some article by some stranger tell you what to do.

Maybe traveling the world is for you, or isn't for you. It just may or may not appeal to you. Maybe living in dozens of different cities your entire life is what YOU want to do with your life. Maybe you actually DON'T want to have kids or DON'T want to get married or DON'T want to live the life others are living. Maybe you are living that life and you WANT kids and WANT to be married but you stuck yourself in a position of not being able too or afford too. Whatever the case may be, just go live your life how you feel so. Anyone that "gives their opinion" on your decisions is probably a pretentious asshole who is either jealous of your life or is miserable with their own, so walk away and know that you are living your life the way you want too.


I am some shitball you may or may not know telling you what to do with your life. 

But at least I admit it and don't drop a guilt shit on your chest.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Social Media n Shit

I've been weening off my comfort zone of writing lately and diving back into creative writing and short stories and fiction and shit but now I kinda feel like just shitting on everything Ive been discussing via social media and in person.

First off, I am no fawkn keyboard warrior. The shit I blast out onto computer screens and iPhone screens is the same shit I am going to tell you to your face. The difference between me and a keyboard warrior is that premise alone along with the fact that I am not going to say anything too outrageous, wait maybe I will, but either way, I'll stand my ground for my weird or normal or whatever tha fawk opinion. So I am just going to start listing shit and saying what I want. I hope you don't take offense because if you do, I really don't care.

...Kim Kardashian's Ass Pic vs Milano's Breastfeeding Pic
I dont get the hoopla with titties in public that are feeding babies, what I have the problem with is women who want to go out of their way to whip a tit out and breastfeed. Men are pigs and we see that shit and most of us will get weird. Put a blankie over yer tit and proceed. I dont care, Im all about breastfeeding in public but have some decency for others. Kim's ass is huge and prolly photo tha fawk shopped. I dont even know why ANYONE with an IQ higher than cricket shit care about her. She holds ZERO value as far as actual worth goes in regards to news. Just ignore her shit and compliment her looks like shes any above attractive lookin chic.
...Catcalling Viral Vids.
Whos to say those vids WERENT staged because, well the DRUNK girl one was technically staged as was the first one in NYC. If you go looking for shit, you'll prolly find it. If you want Barlett pears and Jewel doesnt have them, you goto Aldi or whatever to GET WHAT YOU WANT. If you wana catch muskie, you use muskie lures. And not all the guys in the vids were actually catcalling. Some were just nice and acknowledged her as a human. If thats what some of you over sensitive liberal women think is catcalling, then stay in your bubble of a home and wave your finger via social media at everything you disagree with. Whistling at women, saying dirty shit, yea, thats non sense and it sucks it happens, but DO something about it. Dont just make videos and throw it out there and sit back and watch all us assholes bitch about it. What have those "actors and producers" done afterwards to help prevent whatever tha FAWK it is they are trying to prove here?
... Basic Politics.
If you really think there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats, you are sorely mistaken. Your vote counts, it counts as much as the dollar you are putting in the pocket of that politician you voted for. Your votes are bought, you are bought and until the people of this great country stand up and REVOLT we will all continue to indulge in the stupidity of the "two party system" and all the other bullshit in DC. So continue getting tattoos, cats, piercings, foodporn pics, "so excited statuses" and updating your Facebook on your whereabouts (kinda like me.)
...Tattoos and Religion.
Companies are being more open to tats and less open to religion or something? But people who are all tatted out are getting more concerned and care about showing off their ink. I love it. Ink rocks, it can be sexy and shit but its gotten really old. Quit bitching about some major corporation you will NEVER work for or even WANT to work for because they have a rule about visible tattoos. Not everyone wants their staff to have jacked up ink showing off a busted ass sailboat they got from some tattoo intern who was working his craft and completely fawked up the design. Seriously, just get over it. If you have a problem with a company that isn't tattoo friendly, DON'T fakwn work there. And if you decide to get a tattoo of an animal on you, it better have a fawkn meaning. If you start just getting inked up with a bunch of stupid fawkn cats or something, you are basically saying you are a incompetent idiot and have zero idea of expression or art, you are just some idiot burro trying to be a thoroughbred.  And this religion thing is just fawkn out of hand. I see these obviously fake memes or some shit about some Muslim kid who gets to pray like 7 times a day at school but they wont let kids say "God bless you" or some shit. I dont buy it. I believe in the total and complete freedom of religion or to not be religious at all. Enough if it already, OK! I dont care if you think your god is better than my god or your energy is better than mine or you just dont give a shit and dont believe in anything, I can still socialize with you no matter what because I AM A FAWKN ADULT an I THRIVE on interacting with people I have differences with. It helps me GROW as a person!
...Transgender, Tranny, Whatever they want to be called.
I didn't know until recently that "tranny" is now an offensive word to people that are pre/post op transgender or whatever. I mean, I didnt get a memo sent to me in my "newspeak," newspaper about the language we are attempting to change. STOP already. How is this all of a sudden "offensive" if its whats been being said for so long? I dont get it. Help me out here. I understand that the word "faggot" and "retard" are no longer socially acceptable in regards to pretty much anything, but whos to decide that? Why is it that some people just decide to be offended and then go off and become offended? I am offended by shit, but I am big enough and strong enough to not acknowledge it and move on. The "n-word" has DEEP seeded roots of a lot of bad shit, so we arent allowed to say it. And then the blacks themselves say it constantly which is another one of those "WHAT THA FAWKS" in life. So I dont even bother. Its like, why even? So if there are any trannys reading this, please explain to me how this is a harmful term and how its been used against you for hundreds of years to keep you down, K? Thanks.
...Malaysian Flight 370 or Whatever 
Seriously, what tha fawk happened to this thing?
The scariest thing to hit us that has barely hit us is hitting us. I think it's like at an American death toll of 2 now? I think more people died in Four Lakes in one year than Ebola has killed Americans this year, yet this gets headlines. I did notice that when the elections were around, Ebola went silent. Now it just kind of pops up again all over. And then theres the meme about AIDS and condoms and shit and ya know, thats a good one. Plenty of us are out there fawkn and not wearing condoms and no one cares about getting Aids, we just care about NOT gettin Ebola. Cuz ya know, all of us work in hospitals that take care of Ebola patients.
That fawkn NIGHTMARE of a situation that of course, has to turn into a race riot becuz those assholes are making it one, yea and the fawkn cocksucking mainstream media who is just pure shit. Seriously, thats a mess down there. Its this giant fawkn disgrace to humanity, everything thats happening. From Obama all the way down to the rioters, everything. I see memes, vid footage, read articles, all and I mean ALL are spun by who tha fawk ever to make you think a certain way. If its right wingy, its guna say the cop is a good guy and was protecting himself. If its left wingy its guna say the cop killed a helpless BLACK teen. Either way, its all bullshit. Once you let the facts out, then you can decide. The problem with today is, the people behind the "facts" are just as bad as the cowards creating the problem and reporting the problem. Its a mess and the media and those pieces of shit in DC love it.
...Rescue Animals
I rescued my cat and my dog and I am a proud rescue parent, but stop stop stop telling people what they should do with their money and pets. If you want to get a puppy off a breeder or website or whatever LEGIT company, that should be OK. Not everyone wants a busted up dog or cat or pony that pisses every time you play "Warehouse" by DMB because it's previous owner was a drunk frat boy that would pound Busch Light and Jager and beat the dog because he was beat by his hillbilly father who would listen to Hank Williams. If you want to buy some $2,000 miniature "dog" or whatever, go right ahead and do so, its YOUR money YOU worked for. If you want to rescue a dog, same shit. O yea, I LOVE Pits, awesome dogs, but there are other dogs you can rescue. Just throwing that out there to anyone in the market for a new pup. I know they are cool now and what not, but you can still get like some mutt or ragged ass dog who will hangout with you and shit.
...Common Core Crap
I dont have kids, I dont know if I ever will, but I care about kids because one day they will be "running this country" n shit. But this common core is a joke. We are trying to be smarter than the Chinese, why? Why do we care about who is smarter? Why dont we stick to our way, they do it their way and we continue to trade products and eat rice and burgers? I think that some assholes aka politicians, not even TEACHERS are pushing this for something thats not even about actual education. My crazy conspiracy is this... If we start manipulating the way we educate kids, start dropping approval ratings for passing and what not, we start looking like more kids are getting good grades, which means we have all these kids "getting good grades," because the system is now designed to make sure every student graduates and gets into either A. the work force or B. college. Two things in which the government is going to financially RAPE you on. You get into the workforce right away means you start paying taxes and being a part of the machine. Buying shit you dont need, consuming, etc. You goto college means you take out loans and are in debt to Uncle Sam prolly for life. Lower college expectations is the way to go for DC. Get more people hooked on the tit of America and make them all dependent on the system longer. What a great scam.
...The NFL
This, this once great organization, sport, etc has just turned to shit, pure shit. I love football, it is and will always be my number one, but the NFL is bad, really bad right now. This Goodell assclown may be the worst leader of a major organization in God knows how long. The rules are getting too complicated, there are flags CONSTANTLY for rules they just made up that year and it seems like all of us just sit back and buy pink jerseys, which is another fawkn scam in itself, and buy overpriced tickets and pay $20 for a beer and hotdog and scream in hate and in happiness for our team. And all this shit with the domestic abuse with players and how its been going on for however long and all of a sudden NOW we find out some shit went down "behind closed doors" or whatever. I hate to say this to all the people riding the waves, but that shit happens daily in every type of industry on the planet. If you want to throw stones at glass houses becuz someone caught a fight or a punch on camera, thats all fine and dandy, but first look at yourself in the mirror. Kicking people out the NFL because of this is to make the mass happy. If the NFL kept AP, Ray Rice, etc in the NFL and they just said, "sorry, they are staying," do you really think that everyone would just STOP watching? STOP buying tickets, watching, etc. All of a sudden America just stops watching football on Sundays because the NFL had a different opinion on what you think is right or wrong? If we care so much about the NFL and domestic violence, why aren't more people protesting DC and the disgusting shit happening there?
Social Media Lovers vs Social Media Haters
This is where I get nice and worked up. I am old enough to know how things were "back in the day" of chatrooms and pre-chatroom days where people actually interacted in person. But I love social media for a variety of things. Communication, exploration, education and information. If I dont want to see your 20th selfie of the day or pic of your "OMG, this is so AMAZING" chicken and rice and veggies you cooked, I'll just HIDE you on facebook or stop following you on IG or mute you on Twitter. Whatever. If you are on social media, that means you have a reason or reasonS to be there, you didnt just pull out a card at the store and they are like, "you are now on all social media sites and they are linked to your phone." You have to ACTIVELY sign up, add/follow people and so on, so if you don't like shit, then DONT get on board with it. If you dont want to see the millionth pic of your friends kid doing what every fawkn kid does which is being a kid, then hide that shit or stop following them. If you have a problem with grown men taking selfies, then dont look at them. Fawkn EHH, why is it OK that celebs and athletes and those fawks can take selfies but some sexy fawkn beast cant take a selfie/check-in at his bartending gig? If you dont like whatever social media site you are on, learn how to limit your shit, dont just bitch about it, DO something about it for shits sake! I DO understand that some people are WAY too involved in it which brings me to the hate part. Sometimes you need to break out of your home and actually experience life ya know? Like instead of reading about it on facebook or seeing the pics on IG, go fawkn interact with people face to face. Take a drive to a different part of town or something. Get out and LIVE. Stop just being so falsely extroverted. Which leads me to the overly happy/excited people. If you are so gawd damn fawkn happy and excited, STOP fawkn around on social media and ENJOY THA FAWKN MOMENT! Seriously, just stop. I went and saw TOOL a few years ago in Vegas at the Mandalay Bay. I was third row and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have a handful of pics from AFTER the show and thats it. I updated my facebook a few times on what songs were playing and then actually, ENJOYED the show without going social media crazy. If I am out somewhere and having a truly "amazing time," then I am not fawkn around on my phone. If I am out and I am posting pics and updates and check-ins, I am either having a decent time or bored to shit. And I know you are too.