Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Don't Judge Me."

It's not easy being cheesy. It's also not easy being so reluctant as to express myself in such a manner than may or may not offend the people around me. I believe in a lot of different theories ranging from Jung to basic Christianity, but one thing I firmly believe in is karma. The universe, the world, the state of mind we establish ourselves in daily, it's a vicious cycle that will continue beyond death. If you don't accept responsibility for your actions you are going to amount to a big pile of steaming shit! Pointing a finger, blaming others, passing the buck, what the fuck? I still cannot fathom some of the shit people actually beleive in a situation where THEY are the ones who created it.
ANYWAYS... I would like to take the time to thank so many people in my life past and present. It's the reltaionhips in life that really open your eyes to how great living really can be.

"Inspiration comes when you least expect it." Well you can say that again. Ive been talking about getting into the gym and hitting it hard the rest of the year and I think my calling has been heard. For starters I will just say that life is good...

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