Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Councilman Wants to Ban all FUN Activity in Downtown Naperville

Councilman Wants to Ban All FUN Activity in Downtown Naperville
By Trevor A. Keveloh
Naperville Councilman Joshua Burnside is now asking the Naperville committee to, "ban all FUN activities because having FUN leads to murder." Burnside has been affiliated with the Naperville council for over two decades now, starting out as a errand boy in the Mayor's office where he was recently quoted in saying, "I saw a lot of stuff going on back in the 80's I am not willing to discuss. I don't talk about my own personal affairs back then with the women of the night or the bumps I use to pop, that's not for you to know."  Naperville has been under a microscope lately as there have been three fires in a span of a few weeks, all within 2 miles of each other, that are, "not connected." A tragic accident left 2 dead and 1 alive, the driver, of a car drove into the Naperville Quarry. Even last week a video of a Winfield man, Woodridge man and Downers Grove man went viral as they fought in street at the intersection of Jefferson and Washington. The fight resembled something out of ever famous, "Whiteboys Gone Wild," videos which are a hit in the southern portion of New Zealand. "The problem we are having here in the downtown Naperville area is too much FUN. People come down here to have FUN and that's fine, but having FUN has it's consequences. Getting wrapped up in the wrong crowd happens a lot with teens and twenty-somethings. We saw a terrible gang epidemic occur in the 90's with the Deuces, Felix Deuces and TVO's," Mayor Jorge Praydoll recently stated at an, "Anti-FUN Fundraiser." Burnside was the right-hand man of Praydoll in organizing this fundraiser which raised over $175,000 from Naperville residents who are, "sick and tired of all the FUN things in that over-populated NaperVegas." The city recently spent $436,000 in tax payer money to start an optional education course which will help provide information on families in Naperville and families considering moving to Naperville on how to, "have FUN in your own home, with your own family, on your own time." Between the $175K and the $436K, the Naperville board also issued a statement recently that their entire office would be closed for a week while they, "head to an island to do some soul searching." 
Local business owner Alhambra Chivato has been a part of the small business owner council since 1997 and he had a lot to say about all the new laws and regulations Naperville is trying to institute and enforce. "I no like. I need work and money for kids and food. I no like." Chivato, was not alone in his long-winded statements about what Naperville needs to do to be more fair to the small businesses. Chicago native now NEAR-Naperville bar owner Kris Richards was caught on camera in a rant about how to make this fair for everyone. "Now, now ya see guys, it's not about the people or the kids or the adults or the fires or the cars or the drugs. Now ya see, it's not about that, it's about having a place like MY PLACE that is somewhere that has good food, good service and an amazing owner like myself. People come to MY PLACE because they like how clean and friendly everyone is. Ya we have a "VIP" room with leather couches from the 90s that most of my staff have slept on and/or had sex on. Ya our kitchen smells like our toilets. Ya my entire staff is paid cash under the table. But that's besides the point. I provide a place that is a different kind of FUN and easy going. I'm not like those damn NAPERVILLE bars, making money and having FUN and playing that devil music. My place generates close to $1200 a week in sales! That's something you can tell your kids about and be proud about."
Before Burnside left for his sabbatical to the islands with the rest of the Naperville council, we were able to get a few more valuable piece of information from him on the subjects. "I know people come to the downtown Naperville area to have this FUN I keep hearing, but that's going to stop. Jesus didn't intend people to have FUN like this, this is the devils work. Do you really know what FUN stands for? It stands for Frequently Urinating Naked, that's right and that's NOT what Naperville is about. We are a wonderful community of people of all races, creeds and colors that enjoy a very clean and mildly diverse culture focused on European descents. We don't want those gangbangers coming into our Five Guys, drunk off of $5 buckets and raising havoc amongst OUR people. They should go back to where they came from and stay there. And don't get me started on those, those FILTHY kids from Derners Grave or whatever it's called past route 53, I can't even imagine going that far east for anything." We later asked Burnside his opinion on the blatant, "swingers clubs and reckless cocaine use amongst the professionals of Naperville." He declined to answer.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Masked Angel

The Masked Angel
By Trevor A. Keveloh

    Isaac ran frantically through the field struggling to get to the Darwin’s Castle where he was an accomplished swordsman on the Kings staff. Isaac was a masculine man towering at almost 6ft tall with dark hair, dark scruff on his face, lightening blue eyes and a body that would resemble one of modern day college linebacker. He would strut around the castle and prairie lands with his signature armor patch on his Arabian horse Gypsy. This patch was one of his own creations, two big blue eyes with a sword in-between them almost like they were all floating on his armor, etched in with blue and black paint on his silver metal, he was known for this all throughout the land. He was loved by his town, the children adored him and the parents embraced him at every home he stopped in. Isaac lived far off the land in a quiet area where he would constantly wield his sword, had some livestock and would write about his experiences and his daily journeys. When he wasn’t working with the knights staff, he was always on the move exploring new areas and meeting new friends and families far off beyond the Valley of Darwin’s Castle. Isaac was not a family man but was by far the most family man in his land and anywhere he went. He dreamt of having a family, a wife to love, a son to teach and a daughter to raise. But he knew if it was in Gods will that this would happen and if it were not, then he would remain focused on his duties and honor of his high ranking position. One day he was coming back into town and his life changed.
    He entered the castle late and was scolded by his senior officer and had to perform the, “Chance Spectacle.” This was something the general had created to keep his men in line. It was a chance to redeem yourself from a wrongdoing by being challenged by the general himself. Isaac drew his sword as did the general, Florentine. They began to battle, clashing of the metal, dancing back and forth like to men battling for the same piece of meat. Florentine was a Spanish fighter with delicate hand movements and a prance like a deer frolicking through the woods. Whereas Isaac was a combination of a bull and a leopard, his strike was like no other in the land yet he could veer out of the way before his attacker knew where he himself was going to strike, it’s almost like Isaac had a 6th sense of fighting. They went back and forth, sparks flying, the other swordsman ooing and ahhing, the crowd grew bigger and bigger. This had been the first time Florentine had gone this long with ANY man in the Chance Spectacle. You could see the sweat on the men’s face, dripping down as they push through the pain and embrace the love of their skill, full armored and eyes locked on every move. Then. Then is happened. Isaac was battling and was about to defeat Florentine when a young unfamiliar lady locked eyes with him right before he took Florentine down; he moved and Isaac missed his shot to win. Florentine then spun around as if he was in a ballet and took down Isaac with one swift leg sweep. Isaac had lost but he didn’t care. His eyes did not leave her sight the entire time people cheered and booed and talked about that fight like it was something of the Gods. Later that night Isaac was sent outside the castle to help the watch team, this was a part of his punishment. He asked the guards about this lady, most of them brutes that looked almost half pig with poor social skills but the strongest men in the land. They knew nothing of this lady and knew only of fighting, food and women of the night. Isaac finished his shift and went home in the morning. He was due back in a few hours and decided to stay up and write about this experience. He wrote for the joy of writing, not for anything else. He felt alive when he penned out his thoughts, it’s like his thoughts came to life on that piece of paper. He finished out his writings and headed back to the castle.
    Isaac was docking his horse and walking in when he saw her again. She was standing with a group of other ladies talking and laughing as they loaded up a bread wagon. He stopped dead in his tracks and walked over. His strut, his style, his hair, his confidence, it was like no other in the land. He walked right up to this lady who was in awe of his presence and said, to her, “my lady, I am Sir Isaac of the Castle of Darwin. I would like you to accompany me to the Kings dinner tonight.” She blushed, almost trembling with fear but mostly with excitement, she kindly obliged. And as Isaac walked away she yelled, “Don’t you want to know my name?” Isaac slowed down, looked back with this look and said, “We can discuss that over dinner.” She was speechless. Isaac went on to his duties and prepped for his evening. The knights dispersed early that day to get home so they could be in comfortable attire for dinner the king was hosting for his staff. Isaac returned to his home to only to be shocked unto what he found. It was an unmarked letter with that of a puzzle piece on it, written in what looked like dry blood and a symbol which he had never seen before. Everyone in the town knew where he lived yet he had never received such a thing, nothing even close to this kind of strange activity. He went in his home and got ready for the evening, but he decided to bring this with him. He headed into the castle early to speak with the wise one about this paper. He went up to the lookout bay and spoke with Benito, the wisest one of the land. Benito said he had never seen that symbol in all his life, all the lands he’s been in, but the puzzle piece was a sign to him. Benito couldn’t remember right away but kept thinking over and over. He told Isaac he needed to be alone for a while and ask the Gods what it meant and if he got an answer he would tell him at the dinner. Isaac was confused but more than anything, he was anxious what this meant. He could not stop thinking about this and then her, back and forth he tried to connect the two. He left the note with Benito and went to the dinner.
    Isaac sat at the second to the head of tables. Drinking a goblet of wine, he laughed with the other knights and spoke of the fight between him and Florentine. In mid sentence he looked over and she walked in. Long dark reddish hair, bright brown eyes, the face of an angel with perfect skin, a tiny delicate yet soulful lady, he walked over to her, took her hand, kissed it and lead her to the dance floor. Isaac grabbed her closely, tightly and whispered to her, “Don’t worry, I won’t ever let you go,” and began to seduce her. The kings men had never seen this in him, he was even more incredible on the dance floor than with a sword. He had his eyes closed for moments as he pranced around with her almost like his vision was getting in the way of his instincts. She let him take control and only said to him, “don’t you want to know my name?” He said to her, “that’s for another time my lady. This is the time where we fall in love.” She looked deep into his eyes, into his soul and saw him, the man behind the curtains, she saw the weakness and she crawled inside of him. Isaac had no idea this was happening as he danced with her enough to build up that of an appetite of an army of 5 men. They slowed down their dancing and he slowly lead her to the table where the food was being served. He cleared a space for her as all the knights were drinking and eating, somewhat drunk at this point, Isaac locked into her eyes, poured them each a glass of wine and said, “to us.” They cheered their drinks and sipped them. She looked into his eyes and asked him, “I know your name and you still don’t want to know mine?” Isaac said to her, “Why complicate things right now?” She smiled and said to him, “The only complication you will have is when you ask for my hand in marriage and you won't even know what to call me.” Isaac responded with,” My wife sounds good enough to me.” She blushed, smiled and grabbed him by his ears, pulled him in, kissed him passionately and said to him, “my name is Maria, my name is Maria and don’t you ever forget that.” He looked back at her and kissed her again. After an hour of being in a full room where they felt alone, he took her back to his home where he bedded her.
    Isaac awoke the next day feeling like his life may have been complete. He felt alive, he felt smarter, stronger, more of a man than ever. He let Maria sleep while he went outside to check on his livestock. He brushed Gypsy and fed him. On his way over to the creek, he saw something on a tree, a marking cut into it. He looked closer but couldn’t make out what it was. He knew it was a fresh cut but could not tell. He went inside and got a piece of paper and a charcoal. He pushed the paper against the tree and took his charcoal to shade whatever this was. He brought it back in his home where he found Maria awake and laying in his bed reading his book. He grabbed the book and said to her, “This isn’t for anyone’s eyes.” She said to him, “If you want me to be your wife, everything is for my eyes.” He looked at her stronger than he’d ever been his life, he was weak and powerless around her. He gave her the book and said, “this is my heart, you now have my heart.” She smiled at him and she began to read. He told her he would be back after a ride to the castle to pick up a few things. When he got there he went right up to Benito and asked if the Gods had spoken to him and Benito told him, “Yes and no. I don’t know how to answer this.” Isaac gave him the piece of paper he made and said asked what he made of this and Benito gasped and fell into his chair. “WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?!??!?!” Isaac screamed, “This, this is the print of the letter you gave me yesterday. Where did you find this letter?” Isaac responds with, “It wasn’t a letter, it was a marking fresh etched into a tree by my home near the river. I used the paper to copy it and brought it to you.” Benito took the letter, took the paper and showed him. The etched paper fit perfectly into the puzzle piece from the letter but the symbol below it was still a mystery. Benito said to him, “This is a sign my son. This is a sign of the greatest of good men, men that were considered almost Gods and this is a terrible sign my son, the sign of evil escaping hell to prey upon these men. You need to set off to find out the meaning of the symbol, that is the link between all this my son. You need to do this now, today, do not wait for anything, get on your horse and go to the Low Forrest. You will find a small hut there and there will be a Mongolian man alone. He is the greatest wizard in all the land and can tell you this symbols meaning.” Isaac in pure and utter shock said to him, “But I must tell Maria first, she is at my home waiting for me.” Benito said to him, “You CANNOT go home, you must know what this symbol is before you return home my son. Do not tell her, do not tell a soul of this finding. Go my son, GO!” Isaac grabbed both papers and ran downstairs, hopped on Gypsy and rode as fast as he could. He was practically flying through the woods when he slowed down almost to a halt. His body told him to stop and turn around and go tell Maria. His mind was racing, but his body could not move any further. He trotted back to his home where Maria was asleep on his bed with the book on her chest. He walked in completely confused and almost emotionless and crawled into bed with her. She looked at him and said, “my love, you are home.” He laid next to her with the pieces of paper in stuck to his left chest inside his shirt. He stroked her hair and said, “my love, I am home, we are home.” She smiled at him and they began to make love.
    Later that day Isaac woke from a deep sleep and noticed that the sun was beginning to set. He got up and said, “I need to go out for the night. Can you stay here until I get back?” Maria asked him, “why, what is so important to be away from your love, your future wife?” He said, “ There is something I need to do. Something that the wise one told me is more important than anything right now.” Maria began to cry and say, “if you were to love me like this in our marriage, it wouldn’t be love. If you truly love me you will stay with me tonight, in your arms I will be, in your heart I will be forever.” Isaac walked outside to Gypsy and looked at him in the eyes, he was full of tears, something he had never seen before. He put the papers in the saddlebags of Gypsy and walked inside to be with Maria. They laid together all night. Talking about the most amazing places they’ve been and seen. About the people they’ve met. Isaac was at peace, he was almost in a state of euphoria when he looked at the fire. There was a green haze in the fire. He looked deeper and saw something. At first scared him, then it began to bring him closer to it. He looked again and it was the symbol on the letter but it was in the fire. It was dancing around in there, this green fire staring back at him. He went to yell for Maria who was in the other area getting water from the bucket, but he couldn’t, his voice wasn’t gone but he couldn’t yell for her, he could only stare into the fire. The symbol vanished once Maria got back into the bed. He laid back, drank his water and sat there thinking what the hell was happening. He decided to sleep it off and start the next day fresh.
    Isaac woke up before Maria and went outside to be check on Gypsy and the livestock. He noticed Gypsy was no longer full of tears but he noticed something strange on him. He moved the saddlebag and saw a mark on him. It wasn’t a bruise or a burn or anything like it. He couldn’t make it out with his hair so he pushed it around and saw it again, the symbol in the letter, the symbol in fire and now the symbol on Gypsy. This was the first time in Isaacs life where he became frightened. He had fought the greatest of warriors in battles across the land but this, this was the scariest thing he had ever seen. He didn’t know what to tell Maria so he didn’t, he just covered Gypsy up on that part and went to the stream to get some water. He looked at the tree with the marking and noticed something on it. It had green coloring in it, the same green he saw in the fire. He ran back inside to check on Maria who was still sleeping, so he wrote her a note telling her he would be back after a ride. He hopped on Gypsy and he rode as fast as he could to the Low Forrest. When he got there, the Mongolian man was standing outside his hut. He hopped off Gypsy immediately and walked up to the wizard and before he could get a word out the wizard said to him, “You may be too late, but come in and bring the papers with you.” Stunned by this Isaac did so without question and walked inside. He asked the wizard, “How, how, why, how did you..?” The wizard said, “I’m the wizard, it’s my job to know these things Isaac, now sit down and let me ask my Gods about these letters.” Isaac handed him the papers and the wizard looked at both, then paired them up and his eyes lit up as big as the moons of night. He rocked back into his chair and looked at Isaac and asked, “My son, where, where in heavens and hell did you get these?” Isaac scared yet provoked by all of this responded, “The first letter was something left at my home, the one with the symbol. The other one is a tracing, an outline of a marking etched onto a tree by my home near the creek. But I have to tell you something else wizard, my horse Gypsy has the same symbol as the first letter and I saw that symbol in my fire last night, it looked at me then vanished.” The wizard said, “My son, who was with you? Were you alone? Where is your horse? Isaac told him, “My horse is here with me. I was not alone I was with my lady last night. But she didn’t see the fire, she doesn’t know about any of this, just you and our wise one.” The wizard said to him, “Benito knows of this? What does he say?” Isaac said, “He didn’t know of this but said you would know. He asked the Gods and he told me he knew nothing.” The wizard said to him, “My Gods told me about you. They told me about this symbol and they told me about this puzzle piece. But I need to see your horse before we go on.” They walked outside Isaac showed the wizard the symbol, he told him that the tree had green on it too, the same green he saw in the fire. The wizard was in awe, he couldn’t believe this. Isaac kept asking him what it was but the wizard said he must go inside and ask his Gods if it was OK to tell Isaac about this. They walked into his hut and he began to mediate as Isaac sat there patiently waiting for something, anything to happen. After an hour or so of this the wizard said to him,” My son, this is a war between good and evil taking place within you. The Gods chose you before you were born to be the greatest swordsman in the land, a man with a gift like no other. A man who is capable of saving thousands of people from complete chaos and destruction. But all these things happening to you are of the works of evil my son. Evil has found you. Evil preys upon the weakest but also the strongest. Evil finds the strongest men in the land and becomes them in order to take over. This is what happened in my homeland. Evil took over our great emperors and it destroyed our civilization. My son, Isaac, you must find out where the evil lies as if you don’t, you will become evil and you will destroy all.” Isaac stood there in almost in tears and asked, “What about my lady? What about Gypsy?” What, what about me?” The wizard said to him, “Gypsy has been infected by the evil, if you find that symbol on anyone else they have been infected, but all these creatures, men and women can be saved if you find the evil that became of this.” Isaac was speechless and began to cry. The wizard said to him, “Do not cry my son. Do not cry. That is the evil pushing the tears of purity out of you. Keep those tears in you. Go find where this evil is and destroy it. Look on your lady’s body to make sure she has not yet been marked by the symbol. If she has, you must stay away from her as humans are deadlier than the animals we raise and live amongst.” Isaac stopped his crying immediately, thanked the wizard, hopped on Gypsy and rode home as fast as he could. When he got there, he took Gypsy near the livestock to give him water and food and noticed it again, they all had the green symbol, all his livestock had the symbol. He ran inside and found Maria reading his book. He told her to stop and to undress now. She asked him, “Why? Do you want to make love to me again?” He said, “No. I need to see if you have something, something of a marking.” She said, “The least you could do is say hello and kiss me.” He looked at her and said, “My lady, I have missed you but I care for you so greatly that I must see if you are marked.” She began to argue with him, upset that he was being so pushy she screamed at him, “FINE. You want me to strip down like a whore and not even love me, fine, here you go.” She got completely naked and he didn’t see any symbol, anywhere, but he saw something in her eyes, this sadness, these tears that wouldn’t come out, that sat in her eyes like her soul was swimming on these tears, unavailable to come out and roll down her cheek, they laid there. Isaac said to her, “My lady, I love you so much and I am worried for your safety. You may need to stay with your family for a while as there is something happening I cannot understand.” She said to him, “Isaac, my love, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. Whatever this is, we can fight together. I am your lady, the one to stand next to you no matter that happens.” Isaac laid down next to her and curled up into a ball. He began to cry in her arms. She held him close to her and rubbed his head as he cried himself to sleep. As he laid there in a pool of his own tears, Maria got up to check on Gypsy. She noticed that Gypsy was looking right at her crying as well so she went outside to see him. Gypsy put his head down and Maria began to pet him and saw the green symbol on him. She walked inside and noticed the same symbol on Gypsy on the left chest of Isaac. She crawled into bed with him and slept until the next day.
    The two of them rode into the castle that morning refreshed and feeling better than ever. Isaac went to his camp to train with the other knights as Maria worked with the women and went about her day. As Isaac was speaking with one of the other knights, he saw Florentine talking to Maria. There was some intense discussion happening and Florentine walked away in anger. He went to his room slammed his door then opened it and yelled for Isaac who ran into the room. Florentine began screaming at him in profanity and then slowed down and said to him, “Isaac, I am your general, I am the man that raised you as a knight, who brought you here from the lands of the unknown and I don’t know if I should send you off back to those lands or help you. “ Isaac jaw dropped and blurted, “Sir, my general, I don’t understand this. What? What is it?” Florentine said to him, “Do you know who Maria is? Because I don’t. She is not a part of anyone’s family nor does she live here.” Isaac said to him, “I know of her and I love her. She lives with me in my home and she’s a lost child like me. “ Florentine in absolute anger shouted, “She is NOTHING like you. You are a great knight, swordsman, warrior.” Florentine grabbed Isaac by the shoulders, pulled him in close, chest to chest, looked into his eyes and said to him, “Isaac, you are the greatest warrior in the land. Greater than me, than the king, than the right hand of the king. Why you did not beat me in that Chance Spectacle is beyond me my son. I have never seen a man who has the strength, steps and smarts all wound up into one amazing knight, never my son, never.” Isaac looked at him, in total disbelief and said, “My general, I have no words. I don’t know what to say other than thank you sir. “ Florentine said, “Go see Benito now, this is of his nature, not mine.” Isaac ran upstairs and rushed into Benito’s room. “My son, you have finally spoken with the wizard I see?” Isaac replies, "Yes Benito, I have. I have so much to tell you.” Benito told him, “My son, I know everything. I know all of it. The Gods told me you must go beyond your land to find out the answer and you did. You met with the wizard did you or did you not?” Isaac states," Yes Benito, I met with him. I went to the Low Forrest as you said. You said you knew of this already. I am confused.” Benito responded with, “Did you meet with the wizard or did you dream of this?” Isaac said, “I am confused. I met with him. We spoke. I was in his hut. He saw the markings on Gypsy, the papers, I told him about the tree.” Benito asked him, “Do you know where the Low Forrest is? How far away it is?” Isaac said, “yes, yes, it’s further than I’ve ever been other than to do battle.” Benito now tells him this, “My son. You did not meet with the wizard, you met with yourself, you met with you. You rode into the Low Forrest, that is the land where we found you. When you get to the Low Forrest and find the hut with the Mongolian man, you have conquered the most significant step in your life. You have become more conscious than any other man. If you were to have rode into the Low Forrest and not seen the hut or the wizard, you were not the chosen one, but my son, I knew you were the chosen one. When we found you there, you did not cry, a child alone in the woods, a baby with nothing but a blanket covering itself, you did not cry, you waited to be found and you were found by me. My son, you traveled into your soul and you found the answer. I asked the Gods and they told me it wasn’t their duty to tell you, but to show you and you followed and now you have the power that no other man has, not even the king, not even me the wise one, you have the most powerful gift a man could have and you MUST use for the good of all of mankind and never the evil my son, never the evil.” Isaac in complete disbelief asks Benito, “But the symbol, the green symbol, it’s on Gypsy, it’s on the tree, it’s on my livestock, this is the symbol of evil.” Benito responds to him, “Let me see your chest, where your heart is.” Isaac pulls his armor off, pulls his shirt down and exposes the green symbol. Benito smiles and says to him, “It’s about time my son, it’s about time. This isn’t the symbol of evil, this is the symbol of power over evil. You, Gypsy and your livestock have absolute power over all evil. But the tears you shed is the power being lost. The only way to gain that power back is to destroy the evil near you. You must find the evil and once you do, it must be gone, with no hesitation my son. Burn whatever it is and that symbol will grow larger and stronger on all of you.” Isaac thanked him, hugged him with all his might and ran down to camp by all the knights and slapped Florentine slapped his face. The knights stopped, in awe, they looked at their general and he screamed to them, “CHANCE SPECTACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The two men geared up for the battle. Florentine tipped his sword down as Isaac took a step forward, the battle began. This was nothing like the other, this was the most intense battle anyone had ever seen, a battle greater than the ones against any army, the clashing of steel, the sparks, these two men looked as if they wanted to truly kill each other, sweat pouring out and the drool of anger, these men clashed harder and harder. At this point the entire castle, including the king and queen were watching. This was the greatest show ever put on by any men in any land across the four corners of the world. As Florentine jumped out of the way of a hard sword slash, Isaac with absolutely no pause or effort, almost as if he had two swords in his hand, wielded his sword the other way and caught Florentine by the neck. He stood over him as sweat poured out onto him, sword stuck in his neck, Isaac thought to himself if this was the evil. Was this man the evil to destroy to make the castle a safer place. With one hand on his sword and the other free, he felt the symbol on his heart and it was pulsating harder than his own heart was he listened to that symbol and it told him, “no, no, this is the good of man, not of evil.” He put his sword away and extended his hand to Florentine who was in shock that Isaac almost killed him in front of the castle, king and queen included. Florentine got up, they hugged and the king stood up and yelled to all, “This my people, this is how you combat. There is no other greater thing than to watch two men battle as if it was their last." He threw gold coins onto the crowd as they cheered for him. Isaac walked away completely exhausted yet felt stronger than he’d ever felt in his life, the man with the blue eyed patch with the sword crossing down between it was praised by all. He walked over to the group of women to find Maria but could not. He looked everywhere, went in the low rooms, asked everyone and nothing, no one could find her. He hopped on Gypsy and rode to his home to see if she was there. Isaac walked inside to find Maria sleeping completely naked on his bed, almost covered in complete sweat, he was worried about her so he woke her. She mumbled, still half asleep and blurted out, “Nickolas, you are still here?” Isaac looked at her and said, “I am Isaac, the man you love and want to marry. Who is Nickolas?” She woke up in shock, panicking, yelling at Isaac not to wake her when she sleeps, Isaac asked her again, “My lady, who is this Nickolas?” She replied angry, upset and screaming, “No one. He is no one. You mustn’t wake me when I am asleep as I need my rest. One day I will be carrying your child and will need to rest a lot and you must never ever wake me.” Isaac who had just come off the greatest battle, greatest Chance Spectacle in all the lands was now upset and angry because he was being lied too. “I don’t believe you my lady. I have given you a home, food, took you in, gave you my heart, I have the brightest future of all the knights and you tell me that Nickolas is no one? I have not gone mad Maria, what is happening?” Maria angry as ever gets up while dressing and says to him, “If you do not trust me, you do not love me. I told you he is no one and to never wake me when I sleep. This is what you do to a whore, not to your love who you want to soon call your wife. You need to stop acting like this and believe me.” Isaac pulls his shirt to the side, there is an itch, something almost vibrating on his chest. The symbol is speaking to him. It’s pumping harder and harder. He hears Gypsy scream and looks out the way and sees him gets up on his back legs and notices the symbol on him pulsating as hard as his. His livestock begin to become restless, animals running around and flustered, he looks out and sees the symbol turning blue. He looks at his chest and the symbol transforms from green to blue, he holds it with both his hands and looks away from Maria who is still putting on her clothes screaming at him. He walks over to her with one hand on his chest and the other on her and looks her in the eyes and the symbol stops pulsating, Gypsy settles down and the livestock stop dead in their tracks. He looks into Maria’s eyes and says, “You Maria, you are the evil that has come into my life. My castle. My people. You are not from here and you are to be banished from all the land for good.” She grabs his hand and tells him, “Isaac, you are a mad man, there is something wrong with you. I am not evil, you are evil. You kill for a living and I feed people for a living. You need to kill yourself before you hurt anymore people. Your horse is evil and your livestock are all evil.” Isaac looks her in the eyes while his hand is on his chest, he puts his other hand on her chest and then closes his eyes and asks for the wizard. She is screaming, “let me go, I am not yours, let me go, you are a mad man with blood on your hands and evil in your heart.” Isaac stands there, not letting her go, eyes closed and the wizard appears in his head. “This is evil, you are becoming evil because of her. Stop her from hurting others. She cannot hurt you as you are the chosen one, but if you stop her now, the evil will stop throughout the land. If you banish her from the land, she will come back to burn the town, the castle, from the works of a weak man, she will convince him to reek havoc, to reek evil upon all the land just in spite of you for being the strongest man to send her off. You must destroy her.” Isaac eyes open and he lets her go. She runs near the fireplace and grabs a stick that is lit on fire and shouts, “I will burn you and your evil down. I am not evil. I will kill everyone and everything because you are the evil.” He looks at her calmly and says, “You are the evil among men. Men who fall from greatness. Men who begin to rise and fall. You are the evil that tears down trees, burns towns, the evil that embraces hate. You must be destroyed so the evil stops.” She lunges at him with the burning stick he steps to the side, grabs his sword and slices her head off. She falls to the ground, headless and motionless, the stick falls onto her and she begins to burn. Isaac drags her body to a prairie and watches her body and head burn. He looks closely and the fire begins to scream, it begins to turn colors, green, blue, red, and then black. The sign of evil, the fire of black burning away. He looks over at Gypsy and sees his symbol turn white, a bright white color, a vibrant almost glowing white and then looks on his chest and it’s the same color. It’s practically glowing on them. He holds his chest and he looks at the burning body of Maria and he closes his eyes and says aloud, “Good bye Maria, good bye forever. You are the evil that is in all of man that can be destroyed if we are strong enough. There will always be evil out there but there will always be men like me, stronger than evil, that can destroy it to make our world a better place for some time. This evil is no more.” Isaac then walks into his home, opens up his book and begins to wrote a story, a story about… The Masked Angel. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We Could Be Heroes

It's been a while, a while long enough to write something like this and really feel free and open about it.
The on and off 9 years I spent working at The Lodge will forever be etched in my mind, heart and soul. I met some of my best friends there, plenty of other friends, some great ex girlfriends, some not so great, some great whatevers and so on. I learned a lot, good and bad, all kinds of FILTH all kinds of KUNTY all kinds of great and all kinds of meh. My mentor, I met him here. He re-hired me twice. He's no longer with us, but I feel like he's with us more than ever today. In our hearts, pushing us to follow our dreams. Don't waste time. "It's all about personality." That amazing yet crazy Boston man...
One thing that I've been holding back is that favorite memory or memories. I could go on and say it was drinking with friends and staff, meeting all these great people, blowies in the annex room or office, pool parties with Blue, Rumpiez with P, backbar with TonyTone, Thursdays with Nate, Wednesdays with the old school door crew, Sundays with shit, Sundays with EVERYONE! All of you, from my first day to the last day that bar was closed, SUNDAYS! And that brings me to this...
Sundays... My fondest memory is captivated in a short-lived time span on only Sundays. Not the backbar madness, not the front bar Bears games, not the bags bums, pool or altercations with the Euros... In all honesty my most fond memory was, "DJing." I am no DJ by any means, I mean at all. I don't know how to do all that tricky shit yall may, but one thing I will praise myself on is knowing the crowd! Looking at that crowd from up above, taking mental notes and playing music for EVERYONE. Not for me, not for the staff, not for that group of hot twenty-somethings (hopefully, HA!) Im talking EVERYONE. I didnt care about a set list, I didnt care about keeping music genres together, shit I didnt care about anything other than one thing and that one thing was entertaining... The first time I got up there on a Sunday for shits and giggles. The Bears had lost and I said, "fawk it, it cant get worse than this." So I set up the DJ board and played some music. Before you knew it, 6PM rolled around and the place was still packed. The one of few times MT was in the house on a Sunday was this time and he noticed the consistency of the crowd, atmosphere and of course, music. I mean, where else are you going to go on a Sunday and hear the DJ play Chuck Mangione, Biggy and David Bowie all in that order? I learned many many moons ago to simply to, "know your audience." That sat in my head for a long time and I never knew why until I got up there one afternoon and BOOM. I always gave thanks to my guys for assisting me in that shit too! (Jeremy for inspiring me to play what I want, Cecil for showing me the mechanics, Nate for always telling me to just have fun.)
Those times up there on Sundays between the end of the game and the start of Bobby D, those are incredible memories for me. Alone in a booth, keeping people happy, dancing, heads bobbing, having a good time, keeping asses in the seats, that shit got me going. I hadnt even realized what I was doing until a few weeks into the game. 5 hours of DJing? WTF!!! I didnt care about that, I cared about playing music and having fun and more than anything, watching other people have a good time... That to me was success. That to me was memorable. That to me will forever be etched in my head, heart and soul..
Thank you to everyone that made those memories...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Go Fund Yourself

WOW... This is a new one for lazy ass slacker fawks to find another way to work the system. But this system is far better. This is some lazy terd that makes up some excuse about how they lost their job or their goldfish needs a heart transplant or they stubbed their toe and cant work or NEED TITTY FAWKN IMPLANTS and they need money for it so they just want you to give them your money?
This is what the good ole U S of Fawkn A has come to... Lazy people getting money from dumb people? Well shit, the government does this LEGALLY so why not capitalize on the stupidity of everyone and work around the government and do it yourself? I often hear the term, "more power to em," in regards to people who exploit or hurt others in anyway possible based on stupidity. Well folks, it's not that cut and dry. Some of you terds may have forgotten a few things like hard work, integrity, ambition, passion and perseverance, shit that real men and women live by in order to get where they need to be. Not this hocus pocus find a glitch in the matrix and take advantage of it shit, just taking advantage of good hard working people that have a fawkn heart.
Now before some of you huff and puff about something I need to take a step back and let you know that if someone is terminally ill or very ill, house burned down or something pretty heavy, I am all for it, that shit is a good cause and I'm behind yall 100%. The insurance systems in Murica are a fawkn disgusting joke so I feel ya on some of that shit. But its those fawkn toads and trolls that use the system for their gain to do less and make aka accumulate more. The funny thing is, after these shitbirds collect money from yall, chances are they aint paying their rent, mortgage, bills, etc. They are prolly spending that shit on Jordan's, MAC make up, iPads or more clown gear. Its basically people who cant work the government system which is an overly flawed and absolute debacle of degenerateness, but they take that same structure and apply it to everyday people. But the real bozos are people just giving their money to some person without really knowing WTF is going on. If you are going to just GIVE your money to someone, be smart and do your RESEARCH (Jen) get some info on this shit. The last thing you wana be doing is explaining to someone on a date how you "donated" $500 to some fawktard for a some bullshit reason and the person on the date is like either, "shit I can scam this dumbass outta some coin," or, "uhhh, you dumb as shit and Im takin my ass back to #Tinder n findn me summin betta."
The lesson I'm trying preach n teach to yall is if someone creates a GoFundMe account, get the background on the information. Tha MUTHAFAWKN web is FREE!!! Go Google their ass and story and see what you get. Do your due diligence! The last thing I wana hear about is another friend of mine complaining that they "donated" money to someone for something they thought was to help them when really it was just some lazy pissant working the system or your heart strings... Be aware, they are everywhere!