Thursday, March 20, 2014

Educated vs. Intelligent

By Trevor A. Keveloh

OK, I am about to GO there. Yea, I am going to fawkn GO there right the FAWK now. I am not a degreed man. I dabbled in community college and then got into corporate America at a young age (20) and never looked back. After realizing how much I hated corporate Whoreica, the politics, bureaucracy, lies, backstabbing and worse of all, being able to completely ruin someone’s life and family for a buck, I kind of got sick of it. I went to the bar/club/event industry, the apparel industry and I am venturing into something. But what I really want to fawkn talk about, dig my teefers into, dig my way in and out of the hole is. Education vs. Intelligent.

Now after our AWESOME time in high school we all have what we think is a plan at the ripe old age of 18. All the routes we chose to take, accidentally take, miss, want, bla bla bla… BLA! Well I am proud of some of you that you spent 4ish years in college where you had, “the best years of your life,” meeting friends, drinking, having random hookups, drinking, meeting your significant other, drugs, learning about how AWESOME college music is, drinking, missing tests and learning to beat the system. Well, I did most of that in high school; I learned how to, “beat the house,” at a young age by simply applying what I learned, saw and heard in my teen years. O yea, I didn’t fawk around with drugs either. What point I would like to eventually get to is. Just because you went to college does NOT make you more intelligent than someone who didn’t. First off, let’s define intelligent. This is right from Dictionary .com…

“1. Having intelligence.2. Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute.3. Showing sound judgment and rationality: an intelligent decision; an intelligent solution to the problem.4. Appealing to the intellect; intellectual: a film with witty and intelligent dialogue.”

Now when I read this, I don’t see ANYWHERE in there that it says, “MUST be degreed in order to be intelligent.” Before you degree-holders huff and puff and get all Kunty with me, let me back up before you stop reading this and punch your cat in the face calling it Trevor. If you went to college to attain a degree in order to pursue that path in life then it’s fine and dandy. If you have wandered in and out of life, holding your degree at your hip as if you were a gunslinger hoping to fire it off anytime you meet one of ME, then please exit the building and go fawk yourself. We all have reasons for the paths we’ve chosen and we all DON’T have reasons as well, kind of like a life journey and shit. I am friends with a wide variety of people, college educated at a high level and non-high school diploma holding muthafawkas. I don’t judge people on a piece of paper, nor do I judge them by their Affliction tee or Vic Secrets perfume. Getting to KNOW someone is much more exciting that sitting back and waving your finger from your amazing ivory tower.

I do not in anyway think college is redic, I think it’s what any leading country like the USA needs for higher education. But just because someone didn’t go to college does NOT make them unintelligent. A side story is as goes. My roommate of 2 years, best friend for 5, co-worker for 2 was the leader of the math team at his high school, got a partial scholarship to The University of Illinois and has an extremely high I.Q. He told me time after time that college made him dumb, made him think LESS for himself. He relied so much on the teacher and the books to learn from, to do the thinking almost FOR him that he felt dumber. He opened up to me about this on many introspective levels and we discussed this in detail. Now my point is that he had this high intelligence to identify, calculate and answer/resolve questions/issues/events/etc. He received his degree in mathematics and became a Technical Recruiter/Account Representative, the same position I held for 7yrs…With no degree.

Now to back track a sec, if you decide to go to college to pursue what you want to do with your life, I love ya! DO IT! RAWK THA FAWK ON! But you don’t HAVE too. I come from a family of tradesmen who are very happy and make good money doing what they enjoy doing, “protecting the health of America.” And it’s an honor to be related to such fine gentlemen. But I chose a different route for reasons of my own personal preference in life. I keep seeing too many people misinterpreting EDUCATED for INTELLIGENT. You can argue until you are blue in the face that in order to gain a greater degree of intelligence you should or HAVE to go to college. To me, false. I participated in on-the-job training, life experience and learning from others mistakes and so on. I refuse to believe that in order to get a job nowadays, you have to have a degree. It’s redic, it’s obtuse thinking, it’s fawkn horseshit. ” The Age of Technology,” is allowing people to go other directions in life, to acquire information from the comfort of their own home or car or bathroom. I can read all about Carl Jung, John Nash, or Edward Bernays from the shitter while I pop out a mean one that I’ve been saving all day.

The world isa changing and you need to change your thinking. There will ALWAYS be a formula for the basics of life and so on, however. Our aptitude to put things together to achieve a greater success in a shorter amount of time is one direction goal-seeking people need are acknowledging. Work smart, not hard kind of shit. BUT, don’t forget HOW to work hard because it is true that it’s a, ”dying art form,” to some degree which I don’t feel like going in to. If you graduate high school and you are not sure what you want to do with your life, don’t worry, it’s normal. 18 is a YOUNG fawkn age to decide what you will do forever. Dabble in community college, save some money, work and find out what you enjoy. Read some shit, work weird jobs, experience life before you get tied down to a wife and kids. LIVE your fawkn life for Christ sakes! But don’t take too fawkn long or else you will take a job/career you DON’T want to do just to work and you will end up beating your cat, calling it Trevor and printing this out and pissing on it. I got lucky when I was born, I knew I wanted to write, no matter what capacity and that’s what I do. I pimp myself out in order to continue to develop my art, but I knew that college wasn’t for me. Kind of like those guys Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

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